In this tutorial we will learn how to use MAX7219 LED matrix with an Arduino. We will try to print text, Give the text an effect, display sensor data, and cascade more LED matrix.
Here’s the full video tutorial in my youtube channel:
When we get bored with small display. Maybe we should try a larger one. One of the larger display that easies to use is an LED matrix. And this is 8×32 LED matrix we will try to use with an Arduino.
This module actually is 4 8×8 LED matrix cascaded to one module.
I will use an Arduino UNO to control this LED matrix, hhmmm or maybe I will just use Arduino nano to make it smaller.
OK so here’s the wiring diagram
Once the wiring is done and you are confident with that. Move to Arduino IDE.
We need MD_Parolalibrary. You should install it first, if you don’t have one then download itfirst. You can download from the library manager, search for MD_Parola or you can download here.
Once the library installation is done. Then we can open the sample file from the library. We can start with Parola_Scrolling. First you need to edit the Hardware Type. Change to FC16_HW.
And since we only use 8×32 LED matrix or 4 MAX modules cascaded. Then we should change MAX_devices to 4. You don’t need to change the PINs if you are using wiring diagram from this tutorial.
I will try to print text. “Consider Subscribing milliohm!”. So I edit the newMessage variable. upload the code and it’s done.
So the sketch becomes:
// Use the Parola library to scroll text on the display // // Demonstrates the use of the scrolling function to display text received // from the serial interface // // User can enter text on the serial monitor and this will display as a // scrolling message on the display. // Speed for the display is controlled by a pot on SPEED_IN analog in. // Scrolling direction is controlled by a switch on DIRECTION_SET digital in. // Invert ON/OFF is set by a switch on INVERT_SET digital in. // // UISwitch library can be found at // MD_MAX72XX library can be found at // #include <MD_Parola.h> #include <MD_MAX72xx.h> #include <SPI.h> // set to 1 if we are implementing the user interface pot, switch, etc #define USE_UI_CONTROL 0 #if USE_UI_CONTROL #include <MD_UISwitch.h> #endif // Turn on debug statements to the serial output #define DEBUG 0 #if DEBUG #define PRINT(s, x) { Serial.print(F(s)); Serial.print(x); } #define PRINTS(x) Serial.print(F(x)) #define PRINTX(x) Serial.println(x, HEX) #else #define PRINT(s, x) #define PRINTS(x) #define PRINTX(x) #endif // Define the number of devices we have in the chain and the hardware interface // NOTE: These pin numbers will probably not work with your hardware and may // need to be adapted #define HARDWARE_TYPE MD_MAX72XX::FC16_HW #define MAX_DEVICES 4 #define CLK_PIN 13 #define DATA_PIN 11 #define CS_PIN 10 // HARDWARE SPI MD_Parola P = MD_Parola(HARDWARE_TYPE, CS_PIN, MAX_DEVICES); // SOFTWARE SPI //MD_Parola P = MD_Parola(HARDWARE_TYPE, DATA_PIN, CLK_PIN, CS_PIN, MAX_DEVICES); // Scrolling parameters #if USE_UI_CONTROL const uint8_t SPEED_IN = A5; const uint8_t DIRECTION_SET = 8; // change the effect const uint8_t INVERT_SET = 9; // change the invert const uint8_t SPEED_DEADBAND = 5; #endif // USE_UI_CONTROL uint8_t scrollSpeed = 25; // default frame delay value textEffect_t scrollEffect = PA_SCROLL_LEFT; textPosition_t scrollAlign = PA_LEFT; uint16_t scrollPause = 2000; // in milliseconds // Global message buffers shared by Serial and Scrolling functions #define BUF_SIZE 75 char curMessage[BUF_SIZE] = { "" }; char newMessage[BUF_SIZE] = { "Hello! Enter new message?" }; bool newMessageAvailable = true; #if USE_UI_CONTROL MD_UISwitch_Digital uiDirection(DIRECTION_SET); MD_UISwitch_Digital uiInvert(INVERT_SET); void doUI(void) { // set the speed if it has changed { int16_t speed = map(analogRead(SPEED_IN), 0, 1023, 10, 150); if ((speed >= ((int16_t)P.getSpeed() + SPEED_DEADBAND)) || (speed <= ((int16_t)P.getSpeed() - SPEED_DEADBAND))) { P.setSpeed(speed); scrollSpeed = speed; PRINT("\nChanged speed to ", P.getSpeed()); } } if ( == MD_UISwitch::KEY_PRESS) // SCROLL DIRECTION { PRINTS("\nChanging scroll direction"); scrollEffect = (scrollEffect == PA_SCROLL_LEFT ? PA_SCROLL_RIGHT : PA_SCROLL_LEFT); P.setTextEffect(scrollEffect, scrollEffect); P.displayClear(); P.displayReset(); } if ( == MD_UISwitch::KEY_PRESS) // INVERT MODE { PRINTS("\nChanging invert mode"); P.setInvert(!P.getInvert()); } } #endif // USE_UI_CONTROL void readSerial(void) { static char *cp = newMessage; while (Serial.available()) { *cp = (char); if ((*cp == '\n') || (cp - newMessage >= BUF_SIZE-2)) // end of message character or full buffer { *cp = '\0'; // end the string // restart the index for next filling spree and flag we have a message waiting cp = newMessage; newMessageAvailable = true; } else // move char pointer to next position cp++; } } void setup() { Serial.begin(57600); Serial.print("\n[Parola Scrolling Display]\nType a message for the scrolling display\nEnd message line with a newline"); #if USE_UI_CONTROL uiDirection.begin(); uiInvert.begin(); pinMode(SPEED_IN, INPUT); doUI(); #endif // USE_UI_CONTROL P.begin(); P.displayText(curMessage, scrollAlign, scrollSpeed, scrollPause, scrollEffect, scrollEffect); } void loop() { #if USE_UI_CONTROL doUI(); #endif // USE_UI_CONTROL if (P.displayAnimate()) { if (newMessageAvailable) { strcpy(curMessage, newMessage); newMessageAvailable = false; } P.displayReset(); } readSerial(); }
In this example sketch, it is also able to print the text from serial monitor. You can enter text from serial monitor and it will printed on LED matrix. Don’t forget to choos new line in the bottom of serial monitor.
Now I will try to print sensor data to LED matrix. So I use DHT11 for this demo.
And this is the sketch to display the temperature and humidity data from sensor to LED matrix.
You can find the explanation at video. and here’s the full code :
/*Example 8x32 Matrix to print sensor data by */ #include <MD_Parola.h> #include <MD_MAX72xx.h> #include <SPI.h> #include "DHT.h" #define DHTPIN 2 #define DHTTYPE DHT11 // DHT 11 DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE); float h; float t; char text; // set to 1 if we are implementing the user interface pot, switch, etc #define USE_UI_CONTROL 0 #if USE_UI_CONTROL #include <MD_UISwitch.h> #endif // Turn on debug statements to the serial output #define DEBUG 0 #if DEBUG #define PRINT(s, x) { Serial.print(F(s)); Serial.print(x); } #define PRINTS(x) Serial.print(F(x)) #define PRINTX(x) Serial.println(x, HEX) #else #define PRINT(s, x) #define PRINTS(x) #define PRINTX(x) #endif // Define the number of devices we have in the chain and the hardware interface // NOTE: These pin numbers will probably not work with your hardware and may // need to be adapted #define HARDWARE_TYPE MD_MAX72XX::FC16_HW #define MAX_DEVICES 4 #define CLK_PIN 13 #define DATA_PIN 11 #define CS_PIN 10 // HARDWARE SPI MD_Parola P = MD_Parola(HARDWARE_TYPE, CS_PIN, MAX_DEVICES); // SOFTWARE SPI //MD_Parola P = MD_Parola(HARDWARE_TYPE, DATA_PIN, CLK_PIN, CS_PIN, MAX_DEVICES); // Scrolling parameters #if USE_UI_CONTROL const uint8_t SPEED_IN = A5; const uint8_t DIRECTION_SET = 8; // change the effect const uint8_t INVERT_SET = 9; // change the invert const uint8_t SPEED_DEADBAND = 5; #endif // USE_UI_CONTROL uint8_t scrollSpeed = 25; // default frame delay value textEffect_t scrollEffect = PA_SCROLL_LEFT; textPosition_t scrollAlign = PA_LEFT; uint16_t scrollPause = 2000; // in milliseconds // Global message buffers shared by Serial and Scrolling functions #define BUF_SIZE 75 char curMessage[BUF_SIZE] = { "" }; char newMessage[BUF_SIZE] = { "" }; bool newMessageAvailable = true; #if USE_UI_CONTROL MD_UISwitch_Digital uiDirection(DIRECTION_SET); MD_UISwitch_Digital uiInvert(INVERT_SET); void doUI(void) { // set the speed if it has changed { int16_t speed = map(analogRead(SPEED_IN), 0, 1023, 10, 150); if ((speed >= ((int16_t)P.getSpeed() + SPEED_DEADBAND)) || (speed <= ((int16_t)P.getSpeed() - SPEED_DEADBAND))) { P.setSpeed(speed); scrollSpeed = speed; PRINT("\nChanged speed to ", P.getSpeed()); } } if ( == MD_UISwitch::KEY_PRESS) // SCROLL DIRECTION { PRINTS("\nChanging scroll direction"); scrollEffect = (scrollEffect == PA_SCROLL_LEFT ? PA_SCROLL_RIGHT : PA_SCROLL_LEFT); P.setTextEffect(scrollEffect, scrollEffect); P.displayClear(); P.displayReset(); } if ( == MD_UISwitch::KEY_PRESS) // INVERT MODE { PRINTS("\nChanging invert mode"); P.setInvert(!P.getInvert()); } } #endif // USE_UI_CONTROL void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); dht.begin(); #if USE_UI_CONTROL uiDirection.begin(); uiInvert.begin(); pinMode(SPEED_IN, INPUT); doUI(); #endif // USE_UI_CONTROL P.begin(); P.displayText(curMessage, scrollAlign, scrollSpeed, scrollPause, scrollEffect, scrollEffect); } void loop() { sensorThings(); char data[20]; String bufferr; bufferr = "T:" + (String)t + " H:" + (String)h; bufferr.toCharArray(data, 20); strcpy(curMessage, data); displayHandle(); } void sensorThings() { h = dht.readHumidity(); t = dht.readTemperature(); // Check if any reads failed and exit early (to try again). if (isnan(h) || isnan(t)) { Serial.println("Failed to read from DHT sensor!"); return; } Serial.print("Humidity: "); Serial.print(h); Serial.print(" %\t"); Serial.print("Temperature: "); Serial.print(t); Serial.print(" *C "); } void displayHandle() { #if USE_UI_CONTROL doUI(); #endif // USE_UI_CONTROL if (P.displayAnimate()) { P.displayReset(); } }
Now how if we want to add more LED matrices so it will longer and can load more text. How we do that? Easy!
Just buy more matrix and connect every pin to another LED matrix. So for example I will add 2 more LED matrix modules, so I have 3 in total. I connect all pins from the first module to second, and second to third etc.
I will use the Scrolling example again. Now in the sketch, you should edit the matrix to 12. Because one module is 4. Then 3 modules mean 12.
// Use the Parola library to scroll text on the display // // Demonstrates the use of the scrolling function to display text received // from the serial interface // // User can enter text on the serial monitor and this will display as a // scrolling message on the display. // Speed for the display is controlled by a pot on SPEED_IN analog in. // Scrolling direction is controlled by a switch on DIRECTION_SET digital in. // Invert ON/OFF is set by a switch on INVERT_SET digital in. // // UISwitch library can be found at // MD_MAX72XX library can be found at // #include <MD_Parola.h> #include <MD_MAX72xx.h> #include <SPI.h> // set to 1 if we are implementing the user interface pot, switch, etc #define USE_UI_CONTROL 0 #if USE_UI_CONTROL #include <MD_UISwitch.h> #endif // Turn on debug statements to the serial output #define DEBUG 0 #if DEBUG #define PRINT(s, x) { Serial.print(F(s)); Serial.print(x); } #define PRINTS(x) Serial.print(F(x)) #define PRINTX(x) Serial.println(x, HEX) #else #define PRINT(s, x) #define PRINTS(x) #define PRINTX(x) #endif // Define the number of devices we have in the chain and the hardware interface // NOTE: These pin numbers will probably not work with your hardware and may // need to be adapted #define HARDWARE_TYPE MD_MAX72XX::FC16_HW #define MAX_DEVICES 12 #define CLK_PIN 13 #define DATA_PIN 11 #define CS_PIN 10 // HARDWARE SPI MD_Parola P = MD_Parola(HARDWARE_TYPE, CS_PIN, MAX_DEVICES); // SOFTWARE SPI //MD_Parola P = MD_Parola(HARDWARE_TYPE, DATA_PIN, CLK_PIN, CS_PIN, MAX_DEVICES); // Scrolling parameters #if USE_UI_CONTROL const uint8_t SPEED_IN = A5; const uint8_t DIRECTION_SET = 8; // change the effect const uint8_t INVERT_SET = 9; // change the invert const uint8_t SPEED_DEADBAND = 5; #endif // USE_UI_CONTROL uint8_t scrollSpeed = 25; // default frame delay value textEffect_t scrollEffect = PA_SCROLL_LEFT; textPosition_t scrollAlign = PA_LEFT; uint16_t scrollPause = 2000; // in milliseconds // Global message buffers shared by Serial and Scrolling functions #define BUF_SIZE 75 char curMessage[BUF_SIZE] = { "" }; char newMessage[BUF_SIZE] = { "Hello! Enter new message?" }; bool newMessageAvailable = true; #if USE_UI_CONTROL MD_UISwitch_Digital uiDirection(DIRECTION_SET); MD_UISwitch_Digital uiInvert(INVERT_SET); void doUI(void) { // set the speed if it has changed { int16_t speed = map(analogRead(SPEED_IN), 0, 1023, 10, 150); if ((speed >= ((int16_t)P.getSpeed() + SPEED_DEADBAND)) || (speed <= ((int16_t)P.getSpeed() - SPEED_DEADBAND))) { P.setSpeed(speed); scrollSpeed = speed; PRINT("\nChanged speed to ", P.getSpeed()); } } if ( == MD_UISwitch::KEY_PRESS) // SCROLL DIRECTION { PRINTS("\nChanging scroll direction"); scrollEffect = (scrollEffect == PA_SCROLL_LEFT ? PA_SCROLL_RIGHT : PA_SCROLL_LEFT); P.setTextEffect(scrollEffect, scrollEffect); P.displayClear(); P.displayReset(); } if ( == MD_UISwitch::KEY_PRESS) // INVERT MODE { PRINTS("\nChanging invert mode"); P.setInvert(!P.getInvert()); } } #endif // USE_UI_CONTROL void readSerial(void) { static char *cp = newMessage; while (Serial.available()) { *cp = (char); if ((*cp == '\n') || (cp - newMessage >= BUF_SIZE-2)) // end of message character or full buffer { *cp = '\0'; // end the string // restart the index for next filling spree and flag we have a message waiting cp = newMessage; newMessageAvailable = true; } else // move char pointer to next position cp++; } } void setup() { Serial.begin(57600); Serial.print("\n[Parola Scrolling Display]\nType a message for the scrolling display\nEnd message line with a newline"); #if USE_UI_CONTROL uiDirection.begin(); uiInvert.begin(); pinMode(SPEED_IN, INPUT); doUI(); #endif // USE_UI_CONTROL P.begin(); P.displayText(curMessage, scrollAlign, scrollSpeed, scrollPause, scrollEffect, scrollEffect); } void loop() { #if USE_UI_CONTROL doUI(); #endif // USE_UI_CONTROL if (P.displayAnimate()) { if (newMessageAvailable) { strcpy(curMessage, newMessage); newMessageAvailable = false; } P.displayReset(); } readSerial(); }
And upload the code. Now you should see the 3 matrices are running properly.